How Infographics Help Make the LCAP Less Scary

If you’ve ever tried to read a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and found it a bit of a slog to get through, you’re not alone. The fine people at have just released a very informative video tour of recent landmark educational policies which touches upon the intimidating nature of the LCAP. We at Gobo know all too well just how daunting the task of reading and making sense of an LCAP can be. That’s why we created the LCAP infographic.

As the video states, the LCAP is an extremely important document filled with information that anybody with a stake in the District’s success should be aware of. But when that information is buried deep within a behemoth document like the LCAP, it can be difficult to effectively share it with stakeholders. With the LCAP infographics, we’ve created a tool which extracts that valuable information from the LCAP, cleans it up, and presents it in a fun, simple and engaging format that is perfect for communicating with stakeholders.

Learn more about our process for creating LCAPs or take a look through some of the different visual tools that we have to offer. We promise you’ll find them easier going than the LCAPs we’ve all come to know and love.